Audio Services at Foxtail Sound

From Oscar Wisnia: “I’m doing well, and the submissions are going great. I’ve been accepted through the pre screening round of every single school I’ve applied to with your videos.”

Foxtail Sound Recording Studio offers support for…

  • Commercial Releases
  • Distribution on iTunes and CDBaby
  • Personal, band, and song demos
  • Recording and deliver of individual tracks (mix yourself)
  • Sweetening, mixing, and/or mastering
  • Electronic press kits (EPK) for Sonicbids
  • Copyright registration
  • Recitals and school projects
  • Ringtones! ( We have lots of sound effects)
  • Remote recording
  • Media transfer (Tape reel, cassette, or DAT to digital)
  • Soundtracks for video
  • Post production for film and video
  • Tracking and overdubbing
  • Advance audio manipulation (pitch, timing, tempo, noise, clipping, and so more)
Man playing a cello

Flexible enough to serve any type of project.

  • Record up to twenty-four tracks simultaneously directly to the computer, with unlimited overdubbing.
  • Record to digital sixteen-track tape, in-house or live on location. Following basic tape tracking, the best takes can be flown into the computer (exact digital copy) for mixdown there, or mixed in analog into up to eight tracks into the computer.
  • Mix your tracks in the Analog domain using “outside the box” analog summing.
  • Synchronize to your video equipment, in-house or on location.
  • Overdub, Mix and/or Master your project no matter what its current format (ADAT®, Pro Tools®, Final Cut®, etc) with never a lost bit.

Mixing Within the Computer (starting with tape or direct to disk)

  • Full automation of all mixing parameters, ie, channel level, pan, effects; etc.
  • Timing and pitch correction
  • Quick and versatile editing
  • Intelligent noise reduction
  • Wide array of digital signal processing
  • External analog or digital equipment may be included in the mix
  • Video cueing and synchronization
  • MIDI instruments, including soft synthesizers, outboard synths and tone modules.

In recent years this has become by far the more popular option.

Mixing Outside the Computer (analog)

  • The warmth of real analog circuitry
  • A variety of classic signal processing modules
  • MIDI instruments, including soft synthesizers, outboard synths and tone modules, synchronized to the tape
  • Plus…All twenty-four outputs from the computer can be mixed in the Analog domain and mixed back into eight channels in the computer.
Man holding a saxaphone

Data Loss Prevention

  • Recording is performed directly to two discs so there are already two copies being made as you record
  • If recording to tape, a computer copy is made as soon as time is available
  • Daily work is copied to a local external backup drive in its own dated folder
  • Daily work is copied to data CD/DVD and stored off-site
  • Archives of completed projects are maintained indefinitely, and we do not charge for retrieval

The privacy and security of your work is sacred to us; there will never be a bootleg from Foxtail Sound.